CDT Chinese Edition

The CDT Chinese edition (the Chinese edition of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy) is a Chinese-language column that addresses the growing need for trusted medical information in China. The initiative of the CDT Chinese edition aims to raise awareness of medical advances among clinicians through translated content, enhancing the links between Chinese scientists and the international medical community.

The translation of a selection of full-text content from CDT applies rigorous standards to ensure accuracy and quality control. The CDT Chinese edition will deliver the quality clinical and scientific content to the Chinese medical and clinical research community.


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《Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy》这一期专刊中的文章阐述了世界不同国家为了减少盐摄入而做出的努力,其中包括南美洲、非洲、中东地区、远东地区(中国及蒙古)以及澳大利亚


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自1998年,Keith Henry在The Lancet上发表快讯报道了两例年轻男性艾滋病患者使用蛋白酶抑制剂后引发心肌梗死后(1),许多研究和数据库资料证明使用高效抗逆转录病毒疗法或者蛋白酶抑制剂增加患者心肌梗死和内皮细胞功能障碍的发生风险(2,3)。
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